Projekt A
Mad Donna - Survival Instinct
Contracted by Black library
Due Date: 1st October 2004
Why do a novel?
The old axiom is that everyone has at least one good novel inside
them and I want to see if its true, I'm just unsure whether my
first novel will be a good one. ;) I've written a couple of 10,000
word short stories for Black library in the past which I enjoyed
doing, and I harped on about writing a novel for years - hence
I took it as one of my first jobs for Red Star Games.
Is the novel related to the short stories you wrote before?
No, not even vaguely. Survival Instinct is set on the hive world
of Necromunda and focused on a renegade noblewoman trying to survive
among the dregs of society in the Underhive. I first wrought about
this character, Mad Donna (originally a joke name that stuck)
in the Necromunda supplement 'Outlanders'. See the original entry
for Mad Donna here.
not about Space Marines then?
Survival Instinct Excerpt 1 pdf
Survival Instinct Excerpt 2 pdf